The Barcelona Underground

The Guardian reports on ´Underground´; an exhibition at the Palau Robert that celebrates the counter-culture of 1970s Barcelona. The article gives some historial and social

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A shared sense of humour

´The Young Ones´, like several other English comedy shows was a big hit in Catalonia. In this interview from Cataloniatoday, Nigel Planer, who plays Neil

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More human than canine?

It is often said that dog owners grow to resemble their pets. However, this article from National Geographic describes a study that suggests that ´man´s

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A Hair Truck

You may have heard of food trucks, but this is something different. This article describes how a couple from Zaragoza take their hairdressing skills to

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Picasso’s lost paradise

This article describes how the young Picasso found inspiration in the hilltop village of Horta San Juan, in the Terres de L´Ebre region of Catalonia.

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