Those devilish phrasal verbs #2

To turn on something means to start it by means of a switch, a tap, or button. To turn off something means to stop it by means of a switch, a tap, or a button.  For example; a light, a television, a radio, a tap, a mobile phone, a washing machine, or even a computer. 

Wild mushrooms of the British Isles

Hunting for wild mushrooms is nowhere near as popular in the UK as it is in Catalonia. However, as this guide from Countryfile magazine points out, there are over 15,000 species to be found in the British Isles. The guide lists the 10 most common species, where to find them, and whether they are edible. … Read more

A shared sense of humour

´The Young Ones´, like several other English comedy shows was a big hit in Catalonia. In this interview from Cataloniatoday, Nigel Planer, who plays Neil the hapless hippie, is asked why. Would you agree with him?  Go to the article

More human than canine?

It is often said that dog owners grow to resemble their pets. However, this article from National Geographic describes a study that suggests that ´man´s best friend often acts more human than canine´. What do you think? Have you ever seen any examples of human-like behaviour in dogs?  Go to the article

A Hair Truck

You may have heard of food trucks, but this is something different. This article describes how a couple from Zaragoza take their hairdressing skills to elderly customers in cut-off communities. It refers to ´a growing list of vendors plying their trade in rural Spain´. Have you heard of any such services?  Go to the article

Pedro Almodóvar´s top 20

The Guardian has published  a list of what it considers to be the director´s 20 best films. Do you agree? Which are your favourites? Some of the English titles are not direct translations of the originals. Can you recognise the film?  Go to the article

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